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Victor M. Eskew


            When we discuss spiritual topics with people, they have all kinds of arguments, replies, and counters to the things that we say.  One common reply today is:  “That’s just your interpretation.”  Those who make this statement believe that it is acceptable for many interpretations of God’s Word to exist.  They do not understand that God’s Word was meant to have only one true interpretation.  Anything other than the true interpretation is wrong.

            Another counter that some will make to us is the one that titles this article.  They will cry out:  “You are limiting God.”  It is this reply that we want to take a few paragraph’s to discuss.  Let’s begin by looking at some of the times individuals make this statement.  Some individuals have been so indoctrinated by the theory of evolution they believe that somehow it must be true.  They believe that it can co-exist with the theory of creation.  This, however, cannot be true.  The Creation occurred in six, literal, 24-hour days (Exo. 20:11).  Evolution, we are told, took billions and billions of years to happen.  When we affirm the Genesis 1 account of Creation, those who want to accept evolution will cry out:  “You are limiting God.” 

            When we discuss the subject of miracles, we often hear this retort again.  We teach individuals that the age of miracles is past.  Man no longer has the ability to perform miraculous works like those done in the first century.  Paul said when that which is perfect is come, the complete revelation from God to man, then that which is in part, miraculous gifts, would be done away (I Cor. 13:10).  We have the totality of the Word of God.  It is found in that book we call the Bible.  We no longer need the assistance of miraculous works in the church.  But, when we make this affirmation, there will be some who will replay:  “You are limiting the power of God.”

            When we talk about salvation, this statement will be used against us as well.  Salvation is only found in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  No man can come to the Father unless he comes through the Christ (John 14:6).  Too, individuals must obey Jesus in order to be saved.  Hebrews 5:9 teaches us that Jesus is “the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.”  Jesus Himself said:  “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21).  This means that multitudes of people on the face of the earth are lost.  When we assert that in order for men to be saved, they must obey the gospel, someone will reply:  “You are limiting God.”

            There are several responses that need to be made regarding the thought that we are limiting God.  First, it is possible for God to set limits.  He is sovereign.  He is Lord.  He has ultimate authority.  He has the right to choose the way in which He will or will not do something.  In the realm of the salvation of man’s soul, God had developed His plan of salvation.  He chose to save men through His Son Jesus Christ.  “Neither is their salvation in any other:  for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).  God limited salvation to those who believe and obey His Son Jesus Christ.   Man is not setting the limits when he proclaims this truth.  God is the one who set the limits.  Who is any man to question the limits God has set?

            Second, God is a faithful God (I Cor. 1:9).  When He speaks, He cannot lie (Tit. 1:2).  If He tells us something, we can “take it to the bank.”  His words are dependable.  In the Bible, we have the Word of God (I Cor. 2:9-13; II Tim 3:16-17).  When God instructs us from the Scriptures, this is precisely the way it is.  In Genesis 1, God revealed exactly how he created the Universe.  He created everything in six, literal, 24-hour days.  He confirms this again in Exodus 20:11.  “For in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day:  wherefore God blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”  When we teach others that God created the world in six days, we are not limiting God.  Instead, we are trusting Him completely.  This is the way He says it was done.  He does not lie.  Thus, this is precisely how it was done.  Those who believe that this limits God need to take it up with God.

            Third, some act as if limits are evil.  Who made that assessment?  That assessment was made by fallible human beings, human beings who often sets limits themselves.  We limit the amount of time that we can spend doing something (ex., watching television, playing video games).  We limit the amount of money we can spend.  We limit the amount of food we eat.  Why do we do this?  We do it because limits are not always evil.  Limits are often essential and wholesome.  If man can set positive limits, why can’t God? 

            Fourth, every human being will “limit God” at times.  Notice that we have put quotation marks around the words limit God.  The reality is that no man can really limit God.  God sets His own limits.  Let’s get back to our point.  Very few individuals will assert that God will save all men in the last day.  There will be a multitude of people who will be lost (Matt. 7:13-14).  Are those who believe that not all will be saved limiting God?  According to the fallacious reasoning of some, they would have to answer in the affirmative.  Such, however, is not the case.  It is God who has limited the number who will enter heaven to those who do His will (Matt. 7:21).

            Satan has learned that if he can provide a few, brief quips that seem to be the truth, he can deceive multitudes of people.  “That’s just your interpretation,” “You do not love,” and “You are limiting God,” are three such quips.  Satan knows that some people will use these lines without ever stopping to consider their truthfulness.  They will use them thinking they are defending God when, in reality, they are promoting the cause of the evil one.  Before, we accuse another of limiting God, we need to really make sure that this is what is being done.