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I Samuel 18:17-30

Victor M. Eskew


1.      Outline:


i.                    DAVID LOSES MERAB (I Sam. 18:17-19)

ii.                  MICHAL LOVES DAVID (I Sam. 18:20-21)

iii.                DAVID LACKS DOWRY (I Sam. 18:22-23)

iv.                SAUL LURES DAVID (I Sam. 18:24-27)

v.                  SAUL  LOATHES DAVID (I Sam. 18:28-29)

vi.                ISRAEL LAUDS DAVID (I Sam. 18:30)


2.      Which daughter was Saul going to give David at first? (I Sam. 18:17)


And Saul said to David, Behold, my elder daughter, Merab, her will I give thee to wife…


A.    Merab, Saul’s eldest daughter


B.      This was part of the reward to be given to the person who defeated Goliath (See I Sam. 17:25).


3.      What did Saul urge David to do for him? (I Sam. 18:17)


…only be thou valiant for me, and fight the Lord’s battles…


A.    He wanted David to be valiant and fight the Lord’s battles against Israel’s enemies.


B.      Valiant

1.      Strong (2428):  a force, virtue, valor, strength

2.      BDB:  strength, might, ability


C.     NOTE:  Saul refers to the battles as “the Lord’s battles.”

1.      As long as they were the Lord’s will and were used to defend the Lord’s kingdom, they were the Lord’s.

2.      When greed and power were sought by the king, they ceased being the Lord’s battles.


4.      Why did Saul want David to fight his battles? (I Sam. 18:17)


…For Saul said, Let not mine hand be upon him, but let the hand of the Philistines be upon him.


A.    Saul wanted the Philistines to kill David in war.


B.      Saul had attempted to take David’s life unsuccessfully three times.  He believed that in enough wars the odds would be against David, and, ultimately, he would be killed.


5.      What three statements did David make with regard to his becoming the king’s son-in-law? (I Sam. 18:18).


And David said unto Saul, Who am I?  and what is my life, or my father’s family in Israel, that I should be son in law to the king?


A.    Who am I? (personal grounds)


B.      What is my life?  (social standing)


C.     What is my father’s family in Israel?  (family lineage)


6.      To whom was Merab given instead of David? (I Sam. 18:19)


But it came to pass at the time when Merab Saul’s daughter should have been given to David, that she was given unto Adriel the Meholethite to wife.


A.    Adriel the Meholethite


B.      Why she was given to Adriel instead of David, we are not told.  Often, politics was involved in the matter of marriages.


7.      What do we know about Adriel? ( Sam. 18:19)


A.    Adriel:  (5741):  flock of God


B.      His birth place was Meholah, probably the same as Abel-Meholah.


C.     His father was Barzillai


D.    The five sons born into this marriage were hanged by the Gibeonites (See II Sam. 21:8-9).


8.      Which other daughter loved David? (I Sam. 18:20)


And Michal Saul’s daughter loved David…


A.    Michal


9.      T- F      When Saul learned that Michal loved David, it displeased him. (I Sam. 18:20)


…and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.


A.    False


10.  Why did Saul want to give Michal to David? (I Sam. 18:21)


And Saul said, I will give him her, that she may be a snare to him, and that the hand of the Philistines may come against him.  Wherefore Saul said to David, Thou shalt this day be my son in law in the one of the twain.


A.    So she would be a snare to David


B.      Snare:

1.      Strong (4170):  a noose (for catching animals)…by implication a hook (for the nose)

2.      BDB:  bait, lure, snare


C.     Saul had already devised the plan to kill David.  It would be revealed to David shortly.  It would involve his going against the Philistines.

11.  Who did Saul get to talk to David about becoming the king’s son-in-law? (I Sam. 18:22)


And Saul commanded his servants, saying, Commune with David secretly…


A.    His servants


B.      Saul knew David’s hesitancy to take Merab’s hand in marriage.  He probably thought he would feel the same about taking Michal.


C.     He asked his servants to encourage David in this action.  Sometimes all a person needs is a little push from others who see things from a different perspective. 


12.  What were they instructed to say to David? (I Sam. 18:22)


…and say, Behold the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants love thee:  now therefore be the king’s son in law.


A.    The king hath delight in thee


B.      All his servants love thee


C.     Now therefore be the king’s son in law.


D.    They were to convince David that he was favored by all in the king’s court.  The king “delighted” in him and the servants loved him.  Thus, he would be coming into a very friendly and accepting environment.


13.  Why was David so reluctant to become the son-in-law of the king? (I Sam. 18:23)


And Saul’s servant spake those words in the ears of David.  And David said, Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a king’s son in law, seeing that I am a poor man, and lightly esteemed?


A.    The servants acted as if this was not a big deal.  David said that they made it seem like a “light thing.”


B.      It was not light to David.

1.      He was a poor man.  He was so poor that he could not provide the proper dowry to secure the king’s daughter.

2.      He was lightly esteemed.

a.   Strong (7034):  to be held in contempt

b.   BDB:  to disgrace, dishonor, be despised, to be treated with contempt, treat


3.      David knew his place.  He was not a rich, prominent man in Israel.  He was not worthy to be in the position of son-in-law to the king.


14.  T – F    The servants reported David’s words to the king (I Sam. 18:24).


And the servants of Saul told him, saying, On this manner spake David.


A.    True




15.  Define:  dowry (I Sam. 18:25)


And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to David, The king desireth not any dowry…


A.    Strong (4119):  the price for a wife.


B.      BDB:  purchase price for a wife, wedding money


C.     It was a gift given to either bride’s parents.

1.      See Genesis 34:11-12

2.      Can you imagine the type of gift a man would have to give the king in order to marry his daughter?  This was what concerned David.

3.      Now this problem was done away.


16.  Instead of a dowry, what did Saul require of David for his daughter’s hand in marriage? (I Sam. 18:25)


…but a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king’s enemies…


A.    One hundred foreskins of the Philistines


B.      This would be proof that he had killed one hundred men and proof they were Philistines.


17.  What did Saul hope would happen to David in the process? (I Sam. 18:25)


But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.


A.    Saul hoped David would be killed in the process of getting the foreskins.


B.      If David desired Michal enough, he would believe that he could bring the foreskins the king desired.  In this manner, Michal would be a snare to David.  She would be the bait to tempt David.


18.  T – F    David was pleased when he heard the king’s words. (I Sam. 18:26)


And when his servant told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king’s son in law…


A.    True


B.      David was a warrior.  He had fought and won battles many times.  Too, he knew the Lord was with him.  This was a task that he sincerely believed he could accomplish.


19.  What is the meaning of the phrase, “and the days were not expired” (I Sam. 18:26)


A.    There seems to have been a time limit placed upon David’s decision to be the king’s son-in-law.


B.      David had been hesitant up to this point in time.  However, when Saul made this offer, there was still time to accomplish the terms of the marriage agreement.



20.  How many foreskins did David bring to the king? (I Sam. 18:27)


Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king’s son in law…


A.    Two hundred.  This was double the amount that had been required.


B.      Two thoughts come to mind.

1.      The seemingly grotesque price for a marriage.

2.      What would Saul have thought when David returned two hundred foreskins instead of one hundred.  Remember, he had hoped David would die in the process.


21.  T – F    Saul refused to give Michal to David as his wife. (I Sam. 18:27)


And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.


A.    False


22.  What two things did Saul know about David? (I Sam. 18:28)


And Saul and knew that the Lord was with David, and that Michal Saul’s daughter loved him.


A.    He knew the Lord was with him.


B.      He knew his daughter loved David.


23.  “And Saul was yet the more afraid of David…” (I Sam. 18:29)


24.  What did Saul become to David? (I Sam. 18:29)


…and Saul became David’s enemy continually.


A.    His enemy continually


B.      LESSON:  To be someone’s enemy is a choice that one makes.  David could have been Saul’s greatest friend and resource, but he made an unwise decision.


25.  What do the words, “the princes of the Philistines went forth,” and “David behaved himself more wisely” have to do with one another? (I Sam. 18:30)


Then the princes of the Philistines went forth:  and it came to pass, after they went forth, that David behaved himself more wisely…


A.    The Philistine lords would go to battle against Israel.


B.      As the commander of the armies of Israel, David continued to make good decisions in battle.  He made decisions that ultimately brought victory to Israel.


26.  T – F    David behaved himself more wisely than all of the servants of Saul. (I Sam. 18:30)


…that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul..

A.    David was the smartest and most skillful man in the army of Saul.


B.      There was not a man who stood above him.


27.  What happened to David’s name because of his wise behavior? (I Sam. 18:30)


…so that his name was much set by.


A.    David’s name was held in honor by all in Israel.


B.      David did not intentionally seek such fame.  However, a person of great ability will ultimately rise to the top. 










































I Samuel 19:1-10


Victor M. Eskew


1.      Outline:


vii.              I Samuel 19:1

viii.            I Samuel 19:2-3

ix.                I Samuel 19:4-6

x.                  I Samuel 19:7-8

xi.                I Samuel 19:9-10


2.      Who did Saul ask to kill David? (I Sam. 19:1)






3.      “But Jonathan Saul’s son  _________________  __________ in David…”(I Sam. 19:2)


4.      Define:  delighted (I Sam. 19:2)



5.      T- F      Jonathan warned David about his father’s plans (I Sam. 19:2)



6.      What did Jonathan tell David to do? (I Sam. 19:2)



7.      T – F    Jonathan was willing to intercede for David. (I Sam. 19:3)


8.      “And Jonathan spake _____________ of David unto Saul his father…” (I Sam. 19:4).


9.      Why did Jonathan tell his father that he should not sin against David? (I Sam. 19:4).


10.  How did Jonathan describe David’s works toward Saul? (I Sam. 19:4)


11.  What great salvation at David’s hands did Jonathan remind Saul about? (I Sam. 19:5)



12.  How had Saul initially reacted when David slew Goliath? (I Sam. 19:5)



13.  How did Jonathan describe David’s blood? (I Sam. 19:5)



14.  If Saul had slain David, he would have done so “without a ______________” (I Sam. 19:5).



15.  T – F    Saul refused to give heed to the voice of Jonathan. (I Sam. 19:6)


16.  “…and Saul sware, As the _____________  ___________, he shall not be ____________” (I Sam. 19:6).


17.  T – F    David was brought bought before Saul as in times past. (I Sam. 19:7)



18.  Against whom did David continue to fight wars? (I Sam. 19:8)



19.  T – F    David was not as successful against the Philistines as he was against Goliath (I Sam.




20.  What came upon Saul again? (I Sam. 19:9)



21.  What did he have in his hand? (I Sam. 19:9)



22.  T- F      David played for Saul on this occasion to ease him of the evil spirit. (I Sam. 19:9)



23.  What did Saul try to do to David? (I Sam. 19:10)


24.  T – F    David was wounded by Saul. (I Sam. 19:10)


25.  What happened to the javelin? (I Sam. 19:10)