OceanSide church of Christ

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Victor M. Eskew


            Before Jesus left the earth, He gave the apostles “marching orders.”  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen” (Matt. 28:19-20).  The actions Jesus commands are fourfold:  go, teach, baptize, and teach.  If these were the orders given to those who occupy the highest human position in the church, surely they must apply to those who are under the ambassadors of Christ.  In other words, these orders apply to all members of the church today.

            The church should take these orders seriously and carry them out as diligently as she possibly can.  We should be on the offensive when it comes to taking the gospel to the lost within the world.  Every day we should going, teaching, baptizing, and teaching others.  These actions should not be something we have to be begged to do.  We should know what our duties are and carry them out to the utmost our ability.  Yes, we should be on the offensive when it comes to spreading the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus.

            Unfortunately, the church in most places is not on the offensive as far as the local membership is concern.  There seem to be three positions that most members have taken instead of being on the offensive.  First, they have retreated from the battlefield.  Other than battling their personal spiritual battles, most members of the church do not see themselves as evangelists who should be sounding out the message of salvation.  They contribute their money to the church so others can do that work.  They just want to see the positive results that their money is supposed to bring.  If those results do not happen, they change their personnel.  They try to find those who will take the field of battle for them.

            Another position that some have taken is a defensive player.  They are not actively spreading the gospel, but they will defend the gospel from time to time when others speak out against it.  Occasionally, these individuals will get into a religious conversation with others because they have been attacked.  The discussion usually surrounds salvation issues, worship issues, or moral issues.  These individuals may not speak out until they are pushed into a corner.  At least, they have some courage to stand.  Seldom do their convert their opponent.  Most of the time they just shut the mouth of the naysayer.

            A third position that is taken by members of the church is as an apologizer.  An apology is “expression of one's regret, remorse, or sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another.”  These individuals apologize to others because of the teaching and practices of the church of Christ.  This is sad because these doctrines and practices are set forth in the truth of the gospel.  One wonders why these individuals continue to be part of the church of Christ. They apologize to others because they do not believe many of the doctrines of the church themselves.  Most stay in the church because of their family tradition or because they are comfortable.

            Dear readers, members of the church should be on the offense if we are serious about serving our Lord.  To take the offensive, each one of us will have to:  1) Love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30), 2) Be deeply concerned about the souls of those who are lost (Rom. 10:1), 3) Be convinced of the tremendous power found in the Word of God (Heb. 4:12), 4) Be educated in the truths the Bible presents (II Tim. 2:15), 5) Be willing to get out of our comfort zones to teach others (Rom. 1:13), 6) Be willing to face the obstacles, the opposition, and the oppression that will come our way as we proclaim God’s Word to the lost (Matt. 10:22), 7) Live out the truths that we are trying so hard to convince others to accept (I Pet. 3:16-17), and 8) keep in close contact with God through the avenue of prayer (Eph. 6:18-20).

            A church that goes on the offense will see many blessings come her way.  First, she will see great enthusiasm among her members as they spread the gospel of Christ.  Second, she will see growth.  The Lord has promise that if we will sow the seed, He will give the increase.  Third, she will find less strife among her members.  They will not be focused on self and trivial matters.  The Lord’s work will be their major concern, and they will be working together to accomplish it.  Fourth, she will gain the respect of those in the world.  The lost may not agree with all that is taught by the church, but they will appreciate the sincerity and the conviction found within the members.  Fifth, the church will leave a legacy to the next generation.  Youth will know that the church was faithful in the past, and they will feel a need to carry on the work with the same diligence as their forefathers.  Sixth, the church will be well-pleasing to Jesus Christ.  He came to seek and save the lost and wants His body to do the same.  Seventh, the church can rejoice in hope.  This hope involves the hereafter.  They will have a home in the eternal abode as well as all those they have brought to the Lord.  Dear Christians, let’s go on the offensive.  Let’s put points on the scoreboard.  Let’s let the world know that we take our service to the Master seriously.  Let’s let our Master know that His cause is near and dear to our hearts.