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The Seed Series
6 – Once Saved Always Saved
1. Warnings
a. We must make our calling sure so we don’t fall ( 2 Pet 1:10-11)
b. A branch that is in Christ is taken away if it does not bear fruit (John 15:1-6)
c. We can fall from God’s grace (Gal 5:4)
d. Jesus tells the church at Ephesus to repent and do the first works because they have left their first love (Rev 2:4-5)
e. Jesus tells the church at Sardis to repent or their name will be blotted out of the book of life (Rev 3:3-5)
2. Conditions
a. You can depart from the living God (Heb 3:12-14)
i. We are partakers with Christ if we remain stedfast to the end
b. We will be presented blameless if we continue in faith (Col 1:21-23)
c. Our sins continue to be forgiven if we walk in the light and if we confess our sins (1 John 1:7-9)
3. Restorations
a. If a brother is overtaken by sin he needs to be restored (Gal 6:1)
b. If a brother errs from the Truth he needs to be converted (James 5:19-20)
i. In doing so you save a sinner from spiritual death
4. Examples
a. Simon was saved and yet was told to repent because he was in the bond of iniquity (Acts 2:9-24)
b. Peter denied the Lord three times (Matt 26:68-75)
i. Can we deny Christ and still be saved? (Matt 10:32-33)
c. Judas fell from his apostleship and salvation due to sin (Acts 1:25)
5. Arguments
a. No man can pluck us from the Father’s hand (John 10:25-29)
i. Jesus said no man could take His life but He could lay it down Himself (John 10:14-18)
b. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39)
i. Keep yourselves in the love of God (Jude 1:17-21)