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the Seed Series
10 – Predestination
I. Predestination is also known as unconditional election
a. The belief is that you have no control over your salvation
i. God chooses you
b. If chosen by God you are part of the elect
c. A person who is not chosen can be faithful but will be lost
II. God does not show partiality
a. God is no respector of persons (Rom 2:11, 1 Pet 1:17)
i. He wants all men to be saved (1 Tim 2:3-4, 2 Pet 3:9)
b. God’s grace brings salvation and it has appeared to all men (Tit 2:11)
c. God gives salvation to all who obey Him (Heb 5:9)
III. God gave His people a choice
a. Joshua told the people to choose who they would serve (Jos 24:15)
b. Moses told the people to choose life (Deut 30:19)
c. God’s “predestined” people chose other gods (Judg 10:10-14)
IV. The common arguments
a. God did not give Pharaoh a choice (Ex 4:21, 7:3, 13, 22)
i. However, the Bible says Pharaoh hardened his own heart (Ex 8:15, 32)
ii. Pharaoh hardened his own heart by his decision
iii. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart through His command
b. God predestinated us before He created the world (Eph 1:3-5)
c. Furthermore, it was according to the good pleasure of His will
i. God did NOT choose us individually but as a people
1. He chose us in Him
ii. Jesus was also foreordained before the creation (1 Pet 1:19-20)
d. Romans 9 clearly teaches unconditional election (11-18)
i. First off, the context of Romans 9 is physical Israel vs spiritual Israel (9:6-8)
ii. Secondly, the election that is not of works is about the people again not the individual (9:11)
iii. Thirdly, the discussion of Pharaoh is not about freedom of choice but about setting him up to be king (9:15-18)
1. God chose Pharaoh solely to show His power
iv. Finally, Paul concludes in the same context where he began (9:30-33)
1. Spiritual Israel, the Gentiles, hath obtained righteousness