OceanSide church of Christ
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the Seed Series
13 – Hand Clapping
I. From the beginning God has always been serious about His worship
A. God rejected Cain’s offering from the ground (Gen 4:3-5)
i. Abel’s was accepted because he offered it by faith (Heb 11:4)
B. Cain’s works are described as evil (1 John 3:12)
i. Not worshipping by God’s rules results in evil works
C. God’s worship today must also be in spirit and in truth (John 4:24)
i. Otherwise it is man’s doctrine being used (Matt 5:19, Col 2:23)
II. Hand clapping as percussion
A. The purpose of percussion is to provide the rhythm
i. There is no difference in beating an animal skin or human skin
B. Clapping goes in the category of playing not singing
i. We see reference to music seven times in worship to God and the word play is never used (Matt 26:30, Acts 16:25, etc)
C. Arguments
i. It was practiced in the Old Testament
1. Clapping is used 9 times and not 1 of them is in worship
2. The occasion is usually joyful and connected with celebrating (2 Kings 11:12, Psalm 98:8, Psalm 47:1)
ii. It is natural for humans to do this
1. It is natural for humans to sleep so should we do it?
iii. Our worship needs to be fresh
1. This makes the standard come from man and not God
2. We cannot judge someone’s worship by looking at them
iv. It is not expressly forbidden in scripture
1. This is the same argument used with instruments
2. Silence is prohibitive (Lev 10:1-2)
III. Hand clapping as applause
A. Arguments
i. It is the same as saying “amen”
1. We have authority to say “amen” (1 Cor 14:16)
a. “Amen” elevates the message
b. Clapping elevates the speaker
ii. Worship is to be both horizontal and vertical (Eph 5:19)
1. This is about mutual edification as worship is focused on God
a. Clapping does not edify in any way
IV. Hand clapping at baptisms
A. While it may not be sin, it is very unwise
i. We are borrowing something from the entertainment industry
ii. Baptism is symbolic of death as is the Lord’s Supper
1. We shouldn’t be tempted to clap at the cross