OceanSide church of Christ

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Lesson #11


The First Conflict with the Philistines (4)

Judges 14:1-20

Victor M. Eskew



I.             THE REQUEST FOR A WIFE (Judg. 14:1-4)


II.           THE RENDING OF A LION (Judg. 14:5-9)


A.   The Slaying of the Lion (Judg. 14:5-7)


B.   The Sweetness in the Lion (Judg. 14:8-9).

1.    The Transgression of Samson (Judg. 14:8-9a)

a.    Time: 

1)    And after a time he returned to take her…

2)    Time was needed for preparations to be made for the wedding.

3)    When the time arrived, Samson and his parents traveled again to


b.    Turned aside

1)    …and he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion…

2)    Slaying the lion was a marvelous feat.  He probably regretted that he could not tell about the event.

3)    As he drew near to the site, he longed to see the lion that he had slain.

4)    “It’s not difficult, of course, to empathize with him, to understand his need to go back and relish the hour of glory that remains sealed secretly within” (Grossman, 52).

c.    Temptation

1)    Honey

a)    ...and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion.

b)    A swarm of bees had built a hive in the carcass of the lion and honey was therein.

c)    NOTE:  The hot and dry weather conditions in that land made it possible for the carcass to dry very quickly and become mummy-like.

d)    It was defiled honey.

-      The lion itself was an unclean animal (Lev. 11:27).


And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all fourn, those are unclean unto you:  whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until even.


-      The fact that the lion was dead also made it unclean to Samson (Num. 6:6).

-      “Defiled honey is the downfall of many people.  It is one of Satan’s favorite traps.  He often drips with honey (but it is always defiled honey) in enticing to evil” (Butler, 64).

2)    Handling:  and he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating…

a)    Samson did not left defilement stop him from eating the honey.

b)    “Sweetness was his priority, not sanctity.  Sensuous pleasure had priority over any holy vows or requirements the Word of God would lay upon him” (Butler, 66).

c)    Lessons:

-      There is a sweetness and a pleasant taste found in sinful activities (Heb. 11:25).

-      Some of us are like Samson from time to time. We do not care about what the law says, we will sin and enjoy ourselves with the honey of sin.

-      Samson is not said to have been stung by any of the bees.  A person may play with sin for a while and not be stung, “but hang around a forbidden hive long enough and you will get stung, no matter who you are” (Butler, 67).

-      Question:  Since Samson has not felt any consequences for his sinful actions, does he take this as permission to continue in his sinful ways?

2.    The Tainting of His Parents (Judg. 14:9b-9c)

a.    The Corruption (Judg. 14:9b)


…and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat.


1)    Because of where the honey came from, it made his father and mother unclean when they ate.

2)    He polluted them just as he was polluted.

3)    POINT:  Had they refused to participate in this wedding, they would not have been defiled at this time.

b.    The Concealment (Judg. 14:9c)


…but he told them not that he had taken the honey out of the carcase of the lion.


1)    Had he told them the source of the honey, they would not have eaten.

2)    Lesson:  Evil men are very deceitful in peddling their pollution.

a)    Sin is made to look pleasant:  smoking, drinking, gambling, abortion, homosexuality

b)    False teachers act as if they are offering a “good” product, but it is a counterfeit.